Growth, Stagnation, and Knowing When to Move On: Navigating Career Crossroads

In a recent entrepreneurship lecture, a student shared a familiar sentiment: the “energy” from her company had waned over the past 15 years, and she missed the “spark” of the early years. She was worried she might have to leave to find it again. This reflection opened up a broader conversation about personal and organizational growth, and how to navigate the crossroads we often face in our careers.

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Generating Startup Ideas: Peaks and Pitfalls

In entrepreneurship, the genesis of a startup often lies in personal experience. This approach, while powerful, is a double-edged sword that demands careful consideration. Let's dissect this method's benefits and potential pitfalls, drawing insights from seminal works like Geoffrey Moore's Crossing the Chasm and applying a rigorous analytical framework to the idea generation process.

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