If I just think about awareness, of the mind and its thoughts, that isn’t the same thing as analysis. Examination is looking for something solid for the Ego to understand (a complex thing, concept, theory…). Analysis is about deconstructing that solid thing in order to understand it.
In the inertia of the day, I sometimes conflate the two, bypassing a thorough examination of something and going right to analysis.
There is tremendous benefit in slowing down to “just see.” My mind races with flashes of things I have to do, am behind on, would like to do better, regret not happening, excited about what is to come. My eyes dart around looking for something to focus on.
Then, I settle in. My breath steadies. My eyes land. My mind relaxes its grip on my thoughts.
Seeing the bigger picture is what makes for an empathetic witness. Empathetic witnessing of one’s own experience is what makes us human. Witnessing someone else’s experience is #GoodHumaning.