Sign up now and over the next 7 days receive the following free bonuses helping you better understand how concepts from Craftsmanship can be applied to your life and work.
Craftsmanship refers to respecting current standards and learning how to raise them. It requires a distinct mindset and approach. Craftsmanship is not just about quality but individual self-expression. More than finding a calling, it is about understanding how to fully utilize ourselves and our unique ability to solve problems of every kind. Thought leaders like Buckminster Fuller, Eileen Fisher, Richard Sennett, Steve Jobs, and Jeff Bezos refer to principles of craftsmanship as a source of inspiration and guidance in navigating complexity.
This highly curated 7-Day set of guides will expand your knowledge and provide actionable tools and ideas to make you stronger, more resilient and happier. You will get an introduction to the principles of craftsmanship, curated list of resources, exercises on craftsmanship, a guide to help you through adversity and much more!
Here’s what you’ll get
An Introduction to Craftsmanship — My first email gives you a brief overview to the concept of Craftsmanship. What is it? What does it stand for? Who makes good examples of practitioners we can relate to? Why should you study and apply it? It concludes with this great quote from Johannes Brahms: “Without craftsmanship, inspiration is a mere reed shaken in the wind.” To live and work with craft, we just wish for something different or even just merely gain a skill. We have to be deeply fascinated and duty bound by the problems we wish to solve—and committed to practical application. Brahms’s quote should make clear the difference craftsmanship makes through its practice and intention.
Why Craft? Why Now? — This is an essay summarizing of the core problem the American workforce is facing today. To tackle the wicked problems of our present and future, we need to embrace a strange, counter-intuitive irony: as organizations across all sectors continue to create and adopt technologies like artificial intelligence, employees need to stay relevant by increasing their subjective intelligence. As such, Craftsmen and women have something to teach us.
Resources on Living & Working with Craft— If you’re here it is probably because you also want to learn more and grow your understanding how to apply principles of craftsmanship into your life. This bonus provides you exactly that with what I consider some of the best resources out there: books, articles, essays, blogs. I have you covered.
Thinking like a Craftsman: Learning How to Practice— Learning how to “show up” and create a practice for yourself is fundamental to craftsmanship. Day in, day out—make time for and learn to take stock of your development. Journaling is more than a diary. This daily practice is the craft. Preparing for the day ahead. Reflecting on the day that has passed. Reminding oneself of the wisdom we have learned from our teachers. We can learn from our manager, from books, and from our experiences, but most likely our greatest teachers are people with whom we disagree or don’t get along with well. This bonus will teach you the exact framework you need to put this exercise to work.
The 7 Steps Guide to Training Your Mind Like A Craftsman — The obstacles that come in our way make us emotional. This guide will help you navigate adversity and failure by controlling your emotions and your perceptions of the situation. It is the first part in tackling the problem in front of us—remaining coolheaded and objective. This guide will provide you with helpful instructions to achieve that.
Preparing for Setbacks — Craftsmen, for the most part, do not think in terms of success or failure. They visualize or think through things that could go wrong to more effectively prepare for the inevitable setbacks that arise between them and their chosen medium. We don’t always get what is rightfully ours, even if we’ve earned it. Not everything is as clean and straightforward as we think they may be. Psychologically, we must prepare ourselves for this to happen. This guide shows you how.
How To Have Your Best Week Ever: 7 Practices From Craftsmen — This excerpt from the book Look To Craftsmen pending publication and includes some of the best passages and exercises with the idea of creating the perfect week — seven days of mind training from master craftsmen an women to help you live better, more resiliently, and with more contentment.