To code or not to code? The value of Domain Knowledge in Data Teams

A little while ago, I chatted with Gartner Analyst David Pidsely about a trend I noticed in the job market. It seemed the last 2-3 years, data strategy and governance roles suddenly required coding experience.

It wasn’t my imagination, he confirmed. In 2023, skills and talent shortage were the number one inhibitor to CDAO success. Hiring managers and recruiters have been packing job descriptions with coding skills that don’t always require them.

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6 Myths and Misconceptions about Data Projects

As I considered how to promote my new book on driving data projects, I wanted to include myths and misconceptions that reinforce their value. I have experienced many of these in teams I’ve worked on or with. Data projects are not a static set of routines. It's a constantly evolving, open-to-innovation process.

Only 54 percent of organizations fully understand the value of project management, according to PMI's Pulse of the Profession™ report. That might explain, in part, why project success rates are so low: Less than two-thirds meet their original business intents.

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4 Perspectives to drive effective data translation

When driving data projects, you will encounter business stakeholder challenges that often go unspoken. This is not always because people hold back but because they don't fully know how to vocalize their constraints.

If they can't directly address their requirement, chances are we can't either. To hear others' speech, we start by asking questions from different perspectives.

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Corporate Ozempic

Insightful article is about the things no one wants to talk about when it comes to #ai and #jobs. While ai brings much opportunity, it will require an ongoing adjustment.

"Overdone pandemic hiring was a reasonable explanation for the tech layoffs in late 2022. But 18 months later, there’s been sufficient time to reduce headcount. There’s no incentive for a company to slow-roll this process — a drip feed of layoffs drains company morale. There is something else going on."

"It’s the denials that first raised my antennae: “We’re not restructuring because AI is taking away roles,” Alphabet’s Chief Business Officer Philipp Schindler told analysts on the company’s most recent earnings call. That’s the “I gave up gluten” of tech."

And much like Ozempic, serious irreversible negative impacts may not be visible now...but will be felt for many years to come.