Modern Craft Skills: Drive for Greatness

When we demonstrate all the other skills—competence, practice, cohesion, initiative—we increase our potential for success. But if we aren’t driven toward greatness, we won’t be our best. Along with our basic skills, composure and confidence are building blocks for greatness. With greatness (however we define it) as the primary goal, we can align our peak performance when our peak performance is needed.

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Modern Craft Skills: Confidence

Both universities and organizations are investing in training that helps people learn to present themselves—in big meetings or public speaking and compelling storytelling. Classes can instruct us in ways to walk, look, and act, but it is a mistake to think that any school can teach either composure or confidence. Those qualities cannot be taught. 

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Modern Craft Skills: Conditioning

Specific activities quire specific conditioning. This observation is most evident to us in sports. Training for a diver is different than it is for a tennis player. Conditioning is a form of tending. Buildings have a lifespan. The lifespan of a high rise has different needs than a single-family home. It's the same with businesses, social causes, and other inanimate things. Everything in the world needs conditioning and tending. 

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